Romans 10:6-10
Romans 10:11-13
Romans 10:14-17
How can you get faith?
- Faith comes by hearing the Word, Romans 10:17
- The Word is the Son of God, John 1:1
- You have to hear and keep hearing it!
- Hearing the Word must be intentional
How do you get unbelief?
- Unbelief comes from hearing the world, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18
- The world is the wife of Satan, 1 John 2:15-17
- The voice of the world is always around you!
- Not hearing the world must be intentional
What is the difference between believing with your head and believing with your heart?
- Believing with your head is mental – mental agreement
- Believing with your heart is spiritual – spiritual conviction
- Faith is believing with your heart!
- Faith is assurance, conviction and confidence in God’s Word
- Faith is laying hold of God’s Word
- Faith is leaning on God’s Word
- Faith is claiming God’s Word
How do you know that you are in faith and not just hope?
- Meditation (You need to hear and keep hearing the Word concerning the issue)
- Believing (You need to believe the Word with your heart, and not just your head)
- Confessing (You need to speak out what you believe, not just what you see or think. You confess the Word – the spiritual reality – until it becomes your physical reality)
- Corresponding actions (You need to listen out for and obey any specific instruction from God about the issue)
What is the proof that you believe something with your heart?
- It becomes your operational reality
- You begin to the see the reality of it with the eyes of faith
- You see it coming to pass
- You see it as a done deal
What is the evidence that you believe with your heart?
- You confess what you believe, Romans 10:10
- You claim the reality as yours
- You speak it into being, Mark 11:22-23
- You give thanks for its reality, Philippians 4:6
- You obey specific instructions from God regarding it
How can you become a better person?
- God has never programmed anyone to fail unless they chose it
- You are what you are today based on the choices you have made in the past
- Your past choices predict your future choices, except you make a radical change of attitude
- The little choices you make everyday determine how you will perform in the big moments of life
- To become a better person, start making little choices in the right direction (according to God’s Word), every single day
- Taking things for granted is operating the law of dishonour – that is what led to the fall of Adam and Eve
- Carelessness, disrespect, procrastination and laziness is operation the law of dishonour
- Operating the law of dishonour will always rob people of God’s best for their lives
- Aim to do the right thing at the right time, every time, irrespective of your feelings. This is how to develop your character and grow to become a better person
- Every time you do the right thing, you are programming yourself for future success
- Every time you do the wrong thing, you are programming yourself for future failure
- Never stop growing!