Springs Article 2021-10 (1)
John 1:1-5
1 John 1:5-7
Matthew 5:14-16
How can I overcome darkness?
- Receive the gift of eternal life by making Jesus Christ your personal Lord
- In Him is Life and that Life is the Light of men, John 1:4
- The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it, John 1:5
- If the darkness is overcoming your light, then your light is not shinning!
- You have to let your light shine, Matthew 5:14-16
- For your light to shine, you have to walk in the light!
How can I walk in the light?
- Walk in the Word (faith and obedience)
- Walk in the Spirit (yielding and drinking)
- Walk in fellowship with other believers (the Church is the Body of Christ)
- Walk in love (love is the greatest)
- Watch and pray
Quotes for meditation:
- Spiritual blindness is a dominion of darkness. That’s why you should pray for spiritual wisdom and revelation (light and understanding), Ephesians 1:17, Psalm 119:130
- Faith is not a badge that you wear; rather it is a profession that you live out in your words and actions daily, Hebrews 10:23, James 2:14,26
- A good measure of spiritual light is fellowship. If you are walking in the light, you will want to have genuine fellowship with other believers. Staying out of fellowship is a sign of spiritual darkness, 1 John 1:5-7
2021: A Year of Sanctification
Love and Blessings,
Ben Awoseyila