Springs Article 2022-08 (2)
John 3:1-21
How can anyone see the Kingdom of God? They have to be born-again!
How can anyone become a child of God? They have to be born-again!
What does it mean to be ‘born-again’? To be born of the Word of God and the Spirit of God: to have a new heart (spirit) full of the life, light and love of God
How can a person be born-again? By asking Jesus Christ (the Son of God, the Word of God) to come into your heart and be your Saviour and Lord
What is Heaven? Heaven is the eternal home of the righteous. It is a place of eternal paradise – full of love, joy, peace, righteousness, fun and pure delight!
Where is Heaven? Heaven is the Throne of God, far far above and higher than all the stars
What is Hell? Hell is the eternal home of the wicked. It is a place of eternal suffering – full of sorrow, regret, torment, punishment and pain!
Where is Hell? Hell is the domain of evil, far below, at the centre of the earth
What does it mean for a person to have eternal Life? It means that they have spiritual life on earth and they will go to Heaven when they die
What does it mean for a person to perish? It means that they have spiritual darkness on earth and they will go to Hell when they die
How do we know that God loves the world? He gave us His only Son (Jesus Christ) to die on the cross as the punishment for our sins
How do we know that Heaven is real? Because Jesus Christ came down from Heaven (through a virgin birth), died on the cross, rose on the third day, and He ascended up back into Heaven
Why does everyone need a Saviour? Because all have sinned and the punishment for sin is spiritual death and eternal Hell
Why is Jesus Christ the only Saviour? Only Jesus Christ came down from Heaven, lived without sin and died on the cross as the punishment for our sins
How can a person make it to Heaven? By believing in Jesus Christ as Lord and following Him faithfully till the end of their lives
What is the only alternative to going to Heaven? The only alternative to Heaven is Hell. Those who refuse to follow Jesus Christ in this life will go to Hell when they die. No one can enter Heaven without a living faith in Jesus
2022: A Year of Fruitfulness
To find out more, listen to the audio sermon.