Springs Sermon 2023-03 (2)
Matthew 5:13-16
2 Corinthians 6:14-18
James 4:4-8
Who is the light of the world?
- Everyone who is truly born-again
- Everyone who has received Jesus as their personal Lord
- Everyone who is has the light of Christ (the light of life) in them
- The true light in you is the light of Christ, John 1:9
How can I influence my world for Jesus?
- By letting your light (the light of Christ in you) shine
- It is only the light that shines that overcomes the darkness, John 1:5
How can I let my light shine according to Matthew 5:14-16?
- Your lamp must not hidden under a basket
- Your lamp must be put on a lampstand
- You cannot afford to just blend in or tag along
- You have to be ready to stand out when necessary
- You have to be ready to speak up when necessary
- You have to be ready to say no when necessary
- You have to be ready to stand up when necessary
What can I do proactively to let my shine for Christ?
- Preach the gospel to those you interact with, Romans 1:16
- Start a Christian fellowship where there is none (2 is the minimum number needed according to Matthew 18:20)
- Do not hide your ‘born-again’ Christian identity
- Don’t team up (join in) with unbelievers to talk (chat/share) or do (take part in) unrighteousness/idolatry/immorality, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18
- Stand up and be counted for Christ (righteousness and truth)
- Abstain from every appearance of evil, 1 Thessalonians 5:22
What is my world that I need to influence?
- Your immediate family (spouse, children, parents, siblings)
- Your extended family (near and far relatives)
- Your friends
- Your school/work colleagues
- Your school/work community
- Your neighbourhood/local community
Influence is everything and everything is influence.
If you are not influencing your world positively for Christ (righteousness), your world will influence you negatively for the devil (unrighteousness).
To find out more, listen to the audio sermon