Springs Sermon 2024-04 (2)

Further Meditation: Romans 6:1-11, Romans 10:1-10, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21

What is the power of resurrection in me according to Romans 6:1-11 and 2 Corinthians 14-21?

  • You have died with Christ by faith (dead to sin)
  • You have risen with Christ by faith (raised to newness of life)
  • You are a new creation in Christ
  • You have been washed by the precious blood of the Lamb
  • You now have the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of Christ) living in you
  • You have received the gift of righteousness by faith
  • You are now the righteousness of God in Christ
  • You are no longer a slave of sin
  • You are now living for righteousness
  • Your mortal body is now being vitalised (quickened) by the indwelling Holy Spirit into victory over sin, sickness and Satan
  • You are now an ambassador (agent) of Christ in this world
  • Your purpose in life is now to advance God’s Kingdom and promote God’s righteousness on the earth

How does the power of resurrection work in me according to Romans 10:8-10?

  • The Just shall Live by Faith!, Hebrews 10:38
  • Faith is a product of believing and confessing
  • You keep the Word of God near you: in your heart and in your mouth
  • You believe with your heart (present-continuous)
  • You confess with your mouth (present-continuous)
  • You believe with your heart every part of your identity in Christ
  • You confess with your mouth every part of your identity in Christ
  • You believe with your heart every Word of God concerning you
  • You confess with your mouth every Word of God concerning you
  • Believing leads to righteousness (a right relationship with God)
  • Confession leads to salvation (healing, deliverance and transformation)

To find out more, listen to the audio sermon