Springs Article 2024-12 (3)

1 Thessalonians 5:16-22, Acts 12:1-12

What is prayer?

  • Prayer is communication/communion/conversation with God

Why should I never stop praying according to 1 Thessalonians 5:17?

  • Prayer is like water – it is essential to spiritual life!
  • Drinking of water in healthy portions is a life-long requirement for the sustenance of physical life
  • You need to drink water in healthy portions daily, not just an occasional sip. The same applies to prayer
  • Praying in healthy portions daily is essential to the sustenance of your spiritual life

What is the difference between shallow prayer and deep prayer?

  • Shallow prayer is rushed and half-hearted – equivalent to sipping
  • Deep prayer is detailed and fervent (whole-hearted) – equivalent to drinking
  • Deep prayer is having a proper conversation with God about every aspect and issue of life
  • Don’t be satisfied with sipping prayer, you need to drink prayer in healthy portions daily in order to sustain your spiritual life

Many of our Christian youth are ready to go the extra mile in pursuit of money, entertainment (includes social media) and pleasure but what about going the extra mile for God and the things of God – Bible study meetings, prayer meetings, evangelism outreach, discipleship, tithing, fasting, punctuality and regular attendance?

To find out more, listen to the audio sermon