August 11
Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge,
But he who hates correction is stupid. – Proverbs 12:1
You cannot improve in any aspect of life without discipline and training. In like manner, you cannot grow spiritually without embracing instruction and taking correction from your God-appointed leaders. Don’t think that you have outgrown correction because you are an adult. No! The journey to spiritual maturity (true maturity) is a life-long process. Your ultimate goal is to become conformed to the image of the Son. Beware of pride and stubbornness! Beware of self-righteousness (Proverbs 29:1, Romans 8:29)
Some people detest being corrected or rebuked. They so much believe in their right to speak and act as they like. However, this type of behaviour is not fitting for a child of God. It is symptomatic of inward pride, and a major hindrance to spiritual progress. God resists the proud but give more grace to the humble (James 4:6). We all have to re-assess our priorities in life from time to time. What are you seeking to become? Does God have any place in your goals and ambitions? Does Jesus have the very first place in your life? If so, your primary purpose in life will be to please the lord. This involves honouring the Church of God and the man of God. Yes indeed, God loves you. However, He corrects those He loves. He does this so that you can grow and be a partaker of His holiness (Hebrews 12:5-11).
Prayer: Almighty and Everlasting God, I rededicate myself to You: spirit, soul and body. I embrace an attitude of ‘humility and obedience’. Help me to be teachable. Help me to be submissive to godly authority, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Quote taken from my new book: WALKING WITH GOD DAILY DEVOTIONAL. Now available on Amazon and Amazon Kindle. Get your copy today!