Springs Article 2023-07 (3)
Matthew 25:1-13, John 14:1-6
Who is a virgin?
- A pure undefiled unmarried person
- A potential bride!
Who is a bridesmaid?
- A friend of the bride that attends to her before and during the wedding
- The story in Matthew 25:1-13 refers to virgins, not bridesmaids!
What is a biblical marriage?
- The legal union of a man and a woman as husband and wife, Genesis 2:24
Who is the bridegroom in Matthew 25:1-13?
- The Lord Jesus Christ
Where is the bride in Matthew 25:1-13?
- The bride is not directly mentioned. This is because the 10 virgins (representing the Church of the believers in Christ) are the potential bride.
Who went in with Christ into His wedding?
- The wise virgins – committed and faithful believers
Who was shut out of the wedding?
- The foolish virgins – shallow, half-baked and unfaithful believers
What made the difference between the wise and foolish virgins?
- Having oil in their lamps
- Attention vs. Distraction
- Obedience vs. Procrastination
What does the lamp of a believer represent?
- Their heart (spirit)
- The spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord, Proverbs 20:27
- All the 10 virgins were believers who wanted to meet the bridegroom and enter His wedding
What does oil in the lamp of a believer represent?
- The oil is the fuel which enables ‘the fire and light’ of the lamp
- The oil Is God’s Word (sound doctrine) hidden inside your heart, Psalm 119:9-11
- The oil is your fellowship with the Word and the Holy Spirit, Psalm 119:105,130
- Wise believers know and live by the truth (sound doctrine), 2 Timothy 3:16
- Foolish believers are either ignorant or refuse to live by the truth
- Foolish believers take God for granted!
- Proverbs 23:23, John 17:17, 8:31-32
What was the requirement of making it to the Lord’s wedding (the Rapture)?
- The virgins were required to have their lamps burning bright with ‘fire and light’
- The believer are required to having their spirits burning bright with ‘love and truth’
How many professing Christians will make the Rapture?
- According to Matthew 25:1-13, at most only half of them – the number may be much smaller!
- Foolish believers will be left behind to enter the tribulation period
How can you be ready for the Rapture?
- Pay attention to God’s Word
- Walk in the light of God’s Word
- Fellowship and walk in the Spirit
- Obey God’s Word and do His will
- Fellowship with true believers in Christ
- Repent quickly and forgive quickly
- Don’t take God for granted!
- Faithfulness = Faith + Obedience
To find out more, listen to the audio sermon