Springs Article 2024-07 (1)
Matthew 5:5, Hebrews 6:12, Hebrews 11:11
What is meekness according to Matthew 5:5?
- Meekness is calmness under pressure based on absolute trust and dependence on God
- Meekness is power under control
- Meekness is humility and obedience
- Meekness is achieved through faith and patience
- Meekness is decided strength of disciplined calmness
- Hebrews 6:12, Psalm 37:8-11
What does it mean to inherit the earth according to Matthew 5:5?
- It refers to inheriting the new earth which has no sin or corruption
- It also refers to inheriting God’s promises on this earth
How can I inherit God’s promises?
- You need meekness (faith and patience)!, Hebrews 6:12
- Faith is leaning on God with absolute trust and confidence
- Faith is believing and conforming yourself to the truth of God’s Word, John 17:17
- Faith without obedience is dead (rebellion and disobedience will compromise your faith: the only solution is genuine repentance), James 2:14,26
- Patience is the ability to wait on God and persevere in righteousness and truth despite challenges and provocation
- Patience is the ability to stay in faith and stay the course until you achieve a godly result
How can I receive faith?
- Faith comes by hearing the Word (Rhema) of God, Romans 10:17
- Rhema is the specific word of God spoken to you (in your heart) at a specific time for a specific purpose, Matthew 4:4
- You need to hear the Rhema, believe the Rhema and obey the Rhema
- Your patience (perseverance, endurance) in sticking with the Rhema of God is an important part of your faith, Hebrews 6:12
How can I receive the Rhema of God?
- Meditate on the written Word of God (The Logos)
- Stay in active fellowship with true believers
- Talk to the Holy Spirit
- Listen to the Holy Spirit
- Yield to the Spirit (Obey His instructions)
- Grieve not the Holy Spirit (repent quickly and get back on track)
To find out more, listen to the audio sermon