At Healing Springs Church we take Life Groups seriously. We believe that small groups of 3 – 12 people meeting together weekly for fellowship, discipleship and outreach are the basic tools for bringing a positive transformation to our world.

Here are a list of reasons why we all need Life Groups:

  1. It’s easier to build meaningful relationships in a small group – When you come into a worship service with 50 or more people and sometimes even thousands of people, it is really difficult to connect with people even though you may get other benefits like worshiping with so many members of God’s family.
  2. You can ask your questions – In most worship services, you would not have the opportunity to ask the speaker about an issue that may be more personal to you or to clarify a statement that was made. In our Life groups you have the opportunity to make reference to the Sunday sermons and also ask other questions you may have as you navigate your relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.
  3. It’s easier to contribute to the discussion – In a small group of less than 15 people, everyone has an opportunity to make his or her own comments and share their experience of the truth found in God’s words.
  4. Discipleship is easier – When we meet regularly in small groups, we are able to learn and encourage each other better because we know the other person more intimately. In Larger groups, you may not really know what the other person is going through after many years of attending the same church worship services.
  5. You can practice loving like Jesus – The Life group is a very suitable place to practice loving people because God loves them. You will find some who are more grounded in the faith and as such easier to get along with and some who may be more selfish because they are just beginning to learn. As you relate closely with this people of God, you will find yourself becoming more loving and more patient.
  6. You can have a less formal avenue to introduce your friends and family to Jesus the Lord of your life – Over the years, I have found that some of my friends have been more open to coming to a Life Group meeting than to a formal Church Worship service, others on the other hand have preferred a more formal and less personal experience. The Life Groups present the other alternative to those who prefer a less formal introduction or return.
  7. You have a loving family of believers who would stand by you – Because our Life Groups are not just about meeting for Bible Studies, you begin to realize that these group of people will stand by you and walk with you through challenges and successes in Life. It is true that this process takes some time, but it is really comforting to see your Life Group in action either at a celebration or at a time of need.