Posts by Healing Springs

91100 of 172 items

How many will be raptured?

by Healing Springs

Assuming that 30% of the world population claim to be Christians and 1/3 of professing Christians are abiding faithfully in Christ, that means only 10% of the world population will be raptured. If the fraction of faithful believers increases to a maximum of 1/2, it means that a maximum of 15% of the world population […]

Walking in God’s Love

by Healing Springs

Springs Articles 2021-02 (1) Colossians 3:12-171 John 4:7-121 John 4:16-21 What is the proof of spiritual maturity? The fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23 The fruit of the Spirit is love! Love is the greatest quality of the Kingdom, 1 Corinthians 13:13 This is referring to spiritual love, also known as the God-kind of love The God-kind […]

Growing unto Maturity

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2021-01 (4) Romans 8:1-8Romans 8:10-14Galatians 5:22-26 What is the difference between living in the Spirit and walking in the Spirit? Galatians 5:25 Living in the Spirit refers to being alive in the Spirit. This means that a person is born-again and has the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of them John 3:6 Walking in the […]

Mortify the Flesh

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2021-01 (3) Colossians 3:1-10Romans 6:1-8Romans 6:9-14 What did Jesus Christ come to save us from? Spiritual death (Sin, Selfishness, Self)! Eternal death (Hell Fire) is a consequence of spiritual death The stronghold of spiritual death is pride and selfishness Galatians 2:20 What is the flesh? The sinful (carnal) nature It is ‘mind and […]

Timeline of the End

by Healing Springs

Chart showing ‘the timeline of the end of the age’ from the Rapture of the Church saints to Heaven to the Return of Jesus to earth as King of kings. Excerpt from REVELATION AND THE END TIMES: DON’T WORSHIP THE BEAST. Available online at Amazon and Amazon Kindle. Get your copy today!

Repentance and Sanctification

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2021-01 (2) 2 Chronicles 7:13-14Joel 2:12-17Romans 12:1-21 John 2:15-17 What is repentance? Repentance is the re-tuning (re-calibration) of your heart towards God. You do this by admitting your wrong-doings, turning away from them, asking for forgiveness and receiving forgiveness by faith Joel 2:12-17, 1 John 1:9 A believer commits sin whenever they yield to the desires […]

Healing by the Word

by Healing Springs

Springs Articles 2021-01 (1) Proverbs 4:20-27Isaiah 53:1-6Romans 10:8-10 What is healing? Restoration into a state of proper functioning and well-being This includes both physical and mental/emotional healing 3 John 1:2, Proverbs 4:22 Where does sickness and disease come from? The fall of Adam and Eve (a broken world full of spiritual darkness) Sin (wrong-doing, carelessness, disobedience […]

Christ, Our Passover Lamb

by Healing Springs

Springs Articles 2020-12 (3) Exodus 12:1-14Isaiah 53:1-121 Corinthians 11:23-26 When was Jesus born? Nissan 1, the first day of the Jewish Year The day of new beginnings, Exodus 12:2 Spring time (March/April) The month of Passover The month of the Exodus The month of Christ’s Crucifixion & Resurrection The lambing season, Luke 2:8-11, Exodus 12:2-6 As the Shepherds were watching […]

Faith, Healing and Miracles

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2020-12 (2) Mark 16:17-18Hebrews 11:1-3Philippians 2:9-11 What is the general definition of faith? What is the difference between natural faith and spiritual faith? What is a reality? What is truth? What is blind faith? What is the relationship between faith and knowledge? What ingredients do you need to produce miracles? How can you […]

Why Speak in Tongues?

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2020-12 (1) 1 Corinthians 14:1-51 Corinthians 14:14-18Romans 8:26-27 What is ‘speaking in tongues’? Speaking under the influence of the Holy Spirit in an unknown language Inspired speech in an unknown language, coming straight out your human spirit and bypassing your mind Mark 16:17, Acts 2:4 Why is ‘speaking in tongues’ the most basic and most prominent gift of […]