Posts by Healing Springs

101110 of 172 items

Are you filled with the Spirit?

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2020-11 (4) Acts 2:1-4Acts 8:14-17Acts 10:44-48Acts 19:1-6 What is the meaning of baptism? Baptism refers to immersion and fullness! Water baptism is immersion into water as a declaration (confession) of our immersion into Jesus Christ when we got born-again Holy Spirit baptism is immersion into the Holy Spirit. This means receiving the fullness […]

Gifts of the Spirit

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2020-11 (3) Acts 1:5-81 Corinthians 12:7-11 What is the evidence of being baptised in the Holy Spirit according to Acts 1:5-8? Power (supernatural ability)! The gifts of the Spirit are the evidence of power (supernatural ability) These gifts are all spiritually endowed upon us by Holy Spirit. You do not acquire them by physical or mental ability. […]

What is Your Calling?

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2020-11 (2) 1 Corinthians 12:1-61 Corinthians 12:7-11 What is the difference between the gifts of the Spirit, the gifts of Christ and the gifts of God? The gifts of the Spirit are your spiritual tools (manifestations) for divine assignment The gifts of Christ are your spiritual callings (offices, roles, ministries, services, administrations) for divine assignment The gifts of […]

God has a Plan

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2020-11 (1) 1 Corinthians 12:1-61 Corinthians 12:7-11 What is the difference between natural and spiritual gifts? All your gifts (special abilities) come from God and can/should be used for His glory God allocates gifts to everyone born into this world Your gift is your assignment from God! Natural gifts are special abilities you are born with. […]

Walk in the Spirit

by Healing Springs

Springs Articles 2020-10 (1) Galatians 5:16-21Galatians 5:22-26Romans 8:1-14 What is the greatest hindrance to pleasing God? The flesh: the carnal (body-ruled and unrenewed) mind Romans 8:6-8, AMPC What are the two major motivators of the works of the flesh? Pride and Selfishness! Pride: confidence in what you are and what you have (ego, rights, independence, self-esteem, […]

Why do good people die?

by Healing Springs

Springs Articles 2020-09 (3) Romans 8:28-34Romans 8:35-39 Why will all things work together for good according to Romans 8:28? It is because God is working always for the good of His people (even in the middle of bad circumstances) God is committed to turning things around for His people God is committed to the best interests […]

Relationship and Honour

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2020-09 (2) Proverbs 3:5-122 Timothy 2:19-221 Peter 3:1-7Colossians 3:18-25 What does it mean to honour the Lord? Obeying the Word of God in every aspect of your life Letting the Word have absolute and final authority in your life Putting God (and His Word) first in all things Proverbs 3:5-12, 9:10 How does honouring the Lord affect your faith and […]

The God-kind of Faith 3

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2020-09 (1) Mark 11:12-14Mark 11:20-23Romans 10:8-10 What is the difference between faith and hope? Hope is desire and optimism. It has no basis for certainty Faith is assurance and conviction. It is based on evidence Faith that is based on zero evidence is called blind faith which is also the same as empty hope or […]

The God-kind of Faith

by Healing Springs

Romans 10:6-10Romans 10:11-13Romans 10:14-17 How can you get faith? Faith comes by hearing the Word, Romans 10:17 The Word is the Son of God, John 1:1 You have to hear and keep hearing it! Hearing the Word must be intentional How do you get unbelief? Unbelief comes from hearing the world, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 The world is the wife […]

Lockdown & Social Distancing

by Healing Springs

During to the coronavirus pandemic and the associated lockdown/social distancing, there will be no church meetings at Viables until further notice. Instead, all church meetings will continue as normal online using modern video and audio technologies. Please contact us if you need more detailed information.