Posts by Healing Springs

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Change of Venue (Sun 29-Sep-19)

by Healing Springs

Change of Venue (Sun 29-Sep-19) There’s no meeting at Viables on Sunday 29th September 2019. Instead, we would have a special home service. The home service starts at 10:30am prompt. You can bring some food and/or drink along to share after the service. Please contact us if you need more detailed information.

Receive Healing and Deliverance!

by Healing Springs

Springs Newsletter 2017 (15) God is ever faithful to His Word! In order to continuously experience God’s faithfulness, you have to lay hold on God’s Word concerning your life and never let go. What you believe about yourself matters a lot! Do you believe that you will live long? Do you believe that you will overcome your situation? […]

God is ever faithful!

by Healing Springs

Springs Newsletter Article 2017 (14) The Lord is gracious and compassionate. The fact that you are still alive is a solid proof that God has not given up on you. Your challenges may be many but God is ever faithful to see you through. As you continuously honour Him in all your ways, He will direct your paths into supernatural victory (Proverbs […]

Stay Humble and Keep Yielding

by Healing Springs

Springs Newsletter 2017 (13) Life is not balanced but God is faithful! You were never called to go it alone or make it by your own power. If you would keep walking with God in faith and obedience, you will certainly overcome all the forces of darkness that wage war against your soul (1 John 5:4). Have you ever […]

Receive Love and Power

by Healing Springs

Springs Newsletter 2017 (12) The Name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe (Proverbs 18:10). No matter what the trouble, never forget to call upon the Name of the Lord. If you come to God in faith and humility, He will not cast you away. The Name of Jesus (Yeshua) is Salvation! […]

Are You on Fire?

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2017 (11) God has a purpose for your life and a master plan to fulfil it. His thoughts towards you are of peace and wellbeing (Jeremiah 29:11). In fact, the punishment for your peace and wellbeing has been laid on (into) Christ, and by the stripes that wounded Him, you were (are) healed and made whole (Isaiah 53:5). This is […]

Which Spirit is Filling You?

by Healing Springs

Springs Newsletter 2017 (10) Title: *|FNAME|*, Which Spirit is Filling You? Dear *|FNAME|*, If you truly believe that you were created by God, then you should be certain that God has an assigned purpose for your life and a master plan to fulfil it. Jeremiah 29:11 shows us that God’s plan for you is good and more than sufficient to satisfy all the […]

Keep Your Faith Working

by Healing Springs

Springs Newsletter 2017 (9) Title: *|FNAME|*, Keep Your Faith Working! The Lord is El-Shaddai: the Almighty and All-sufficient One. In Him is found the solution to every challenge that you face in life, and He is every ready to help you out. However, faith is your connection to Heaven (Hebrews 11:6). *|FNAME|*, what is the difference between a living faith and […]

Receive Your Requests

by Healing Springs

Springs Newsletter 2017 (8) Title: *|FNAME|*, Receive Your Requests! Dear *|FNAME|*, Life can be challenging at times and you may feel lonely when confronted with uncertainty or difficulty. However, never forget that you are not alone. The Lord has promised to never leave you nor forsake you. Your task is to keep looking up to Him […]

Is Your Faith Working?

by Healing Springs

Springs Newsletter 2017 (7) Title: *|FNAME|*, Is Your Faith Working? Dear *|FNAME|*, The Lord will perfect all that concerns you. Never cast away your confidence in Him. Be patient and keep doing the will of God, for your reward is near (Hebrews 10:35-36). *|FNAME|*, Christianity is the surest source of hope you can ever have in […]