Posts by Healing Springs

161170 of 172 items

Victory Confession (Remix)

by Healing Springs

My bible is the written Word of God. The Word of God is true, alive and powerful. I study and meditate on the Word daily. I believe the Word daily. I confess the Word daily. I obey and live out the Word daily. I am what the Word says I am. I can do what the Word […]

You Need Jesus

by Healing Springs

The Humanist says “you don’t need God to be good”, but the Bible says “no one is good except God”. Every human being is selfish in one way or the other. Your limited goodness cannot justify you because God is perfect. You need a Saviour. It’s only the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, […]

Access by Faith

by Healing Springs

The same water that walked Peter almost sank him, all in the presence of Jesus. It is Faith that gives you access into Grace. Fear, doubt and unbelief diminish your access. Hold fast to the confession of your Faith and keep focus on Jesus. YOU WILL OVERCOME.

Victory Confession

by Healing Springs

My bible is the written Word of God. The Word of God is true, alive and powerful. I meditate on the Word. I believe the Word. I confess the Word. I live by the Word. I am what the Word says I am. I can do what the Word says I can do. The anointed […]

Persevere in Faith

by Healing Springs

God establishes His greatest works in the wilderness. In God’s wisdom, life comes out of death, glory out of suffering, streams out of the desert. All of this happens so that God alone may be glorified. Don’t you ever give up. Humble yourself before God and pay attention to His Word. Persevere in your Faith and you will ultimately […]

Asking and Receiving

by Healing Springs

It is not enough to just ask. You also need to know how to receive. You need to stretch out your spiritual hands and keep them open. Don’t stay on the sending end. After asking in line with the Word, move on to the receiving end: forgive, believe, affirm, expect, act in line and give […]

Dealing with Depression

by Healing Springs

If you keep looking to yourself, your desires and your circumstances, you will end up feeling down. Rather, look up to Jesus. Keep focus on Jesus. He is your Saviour, Healer and Deliverer. He is ‘the Sun of righteousness’ who rises over you with healing in His wings (Malachi 4:2). As you keep looking to […]

Healing Like Medicine

by Healing Springs

Healing is like a doctor’s medicine. It needs your cooperation. Your will and your faith have a great part to play. Sometimes you will get healed instantly and sometimes you will get healed gradually as you continually confess the Word of Faith that healing belongs to you because Jesus paid the price (Matthew 8:17). In […]

New Things

by Healing Springs

Friends, yesterday is gone forever. God is always in the business of doing new things. The future is full of opportunities for blessings and miracles. Rise out of your ashes because Jesus has paid the price on the cross. Believe to receive and you shall have. YOU WILL OVERCOME.

Answered Prayer

by Healing Springs

The genuine basis of Christianity is a living faith that’s in touch with a living God who hears and answers prayer. Is that your experience today? Seek and you will find. The anointed Word will set you free! YOU WILL OVERCOME.