Posts by Healing Springs

5160 of 172 items

The Foundation of Faith

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-04 (2) John 1:1-3Hebrews 11:1-31 John 1:1-3 What is faith? Faith is assurance; Faith is conviction! Hebrews 11:1, ESV Your convictions reflect your belief system Your values reflect your belief system What is faith in God? Faith is the assurance of God’s realities Faith is the conviction of God’s realities No one has ever […]

Choose Wisdom

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-04 (1) Matthew 24:36 – 25:13, Luke 12:35-48, Luke 12:35-40, Psalm 119:105, Revelation 4:5, Ecclesiastes 9:8, Romans 8:14, Proverbs 20:27, 23:23, John 17:17, 8:31-32, Psalm 119:105,130, James 1:21 Who are the virgins in Matthew 25:1-13? The 10 virgins are servants of the bridegroom because they call him their Lord within the story. Their assignment was to keep […]

Become Truly Rich

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-03 (3) Luke 12:13-15Luke 12:16-21Luke 12:42-48 What does it mean to be rich? In a worldly standard, being rich means having lots of money and possessions In a worldly standard, it means having more than enough money and possessions than you will ever need in your lifetime and beyond In a godly standard, being rich […]

Rekindle Your Love

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-03 (2) Matthew 6:19-21Matthew 6:22-24Revelation 2:4-5 What is the meaning of first love? First love indicates what you love and treasure most! Your first love is what gets your best attention, anyday and anytime Your first love is what gets your best priority, day in and day out! Your first love can be seen […]

Lay up Treasures In Heaven

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-03 (1) Matthew 6:19-21Matthew 6:22-24Matthew 6:25-34 Why shouldn’t I lay up for myself treasures upon earth, according to Matthew 6:19? The material things on earth are temporal! Your physical life on earth is temporal Your soul and spirit are eternal! Bodies die but spirits cannot die Every material thing in this world (including jewellery) is dust […]

The Way Of Love

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-02 (2) 1 Corinthians 13:1-31 Corinthians 13:4-81 Corinthians 13:9-13 What is the output of my embracing God’s love? 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 Love for God! Do you love God? Does it show in your attitude towards the things of God in terms of time, talents, energy and money? Love for others! Do you love others? Are […]

The Foundation Of Love

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-02 (1) 1 Corinthians 13:1-31 Corinthians 13:4-81 Corinthians 13:9-13 What is the foundation of love? The foundation of (genuine, spiritual) love is God! God is love 1 John 4:7-8 Human love is based on reason and emotion – it can turn to hatred when you are maltreated or offended Your love for God is […]

Increase Your Fruitfulness

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-01 (3) John 15:1-3John 15:4-6John 15:7-10 What is the master key to bearing fruit for Christ? Abide in Christ (stay actively connected to Him) You abide in Christ by abiding in His Word and in His Love John 15:7-10 Abiding in Christ includes prayer and fellowship with other believers Prayer is a demonstration […]

How To Calm That Storm

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-01 (2)  Mark 4:35-38Mark 4:39-41Mark 5:1-20 “I’m on a mission of God’s glory and Jesus is in my boat.No matter what storms life may throw, I refuse to fear or panic.I will get to destination, for Jesus is able to calm every storm.No matter the situation, I use my faith and victory will […]

Connection And Fruitfulness

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-01 (1) John 15:1-4John 15:5-8John 15:9-10 How can my lifetime on earth have eternal value? By building on the true foundation: the Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Corinthians 3:11 Jesus Christ is the True Vine and God (the Father) is the Vinedresser, John 15:1 Every other religion, belief system or ideology is a false vine (false foundation)! Jesus […]