Reigning in Life

by Healing Springs

The incarnation of the eternal Word as Jesus Christ is the first of many. He is the second man and the last Adam who is called to bring many sons unto glory. Those who believe and receive the eternal sacrifice of Jesus also experience this incarnation, for God comes to dwell inside their hearts (spirits) […]

Grace and Truth

by Healing Springs

He is the embodiment of grace and truth. Jesus Christ is simply the most outstanding personality that ever lived on this earth. His life, death and resurrection ushered in a new era (covenant), at the onset of the 5th day of man’s history (i.e. the first 4 historical days is about 4,000 years from Adam). […]

The End of the Age

by Healing Springs

It is important to note that the Most High is also a mathematician, since He is the source of all knowledge and wisdom. Let us consider the following Biblical truths: 3 is the number of divine completeness 4 is the number of preparation 5 is the number of life and grace 6 is the number […]

Don’t Waste Your Life

by Healing Springs

“Don’t waste your life. Anything you do in this life that doesn’t ultimately contribute to God’s purpose (worship) and plan (redemption) is a waste of time and will not count in eternity.” Quote taken from my new book: THE PURPOSE OF LIFE. Now available on Amazon and Amazon Kindle. Get your copy today!

Restoration of Lost Dominion

by Healing Springs

“Universal man hates defeat and bondage. There is an innate desire in the heart of every person for victory and success. The universal cry of man is for the restoration of lost dominion. Man wants to conquer darkness and death. He wants to prevail over sickness, disease, poverty, disaster and disorder.” Quote taken from my […]

Man’s Superiority

by Healing Springs

“Men have used their understanding of the laws of nature to achieve technological wonders. Men have also used their understanding of spiritual laws to achieve supernatural wonders.” Quote taken from my new book: THE PURPOSE OF LIFE. Now available on Amazon and Amazon Kindle. Get your copy today!

Where Do I Come From?

by Healing Springs

“In order to understand the purpose of your life, one of the most important questions you will have to answer is ‘Where do I come from?’ This is because your understanding of your origin determines your perception of who you are and what you are living for.” Quote taken from my new book: THE PURPOSE […]

Victory Confession (Remix 2)

by Healing Springs

My bible is the written Word of God. The Word of God is true, alive and powerful. I study and meditate on the Word. I believe the Word. I confess the Word. I live by the Word. I am what the Word says I am. I can do what the Word says I can do. The anointed […]

Victory Confession (Remix)

by Healing Springs

My bible is the written Word of God. The Word of God is true, alive and powerful. I study and meditate on the Word daily. I believe the Word daily. I confess the Word daily. I obey and live out the Word daily. I am what the Word says I am. I can do what the Word […]

You Need Jesus

by Healing Springs

The Humanist says “you don’t need God to be good”, but the Bible says “no one is good except God”. Every human being is selfish in one way or the other. Your limited goodness cannot justify you because God is perfect. You need a Saviour. It’s only the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, […]