This book provides a practical insight into the book of Revelation in a chronological order. It will help you understand how close we are to the end of this age, the very serious events that are approaching, and why it is necessary for you to begin to live your life for the Lord Jesus, rather than for selfish purposes. While we cannot say with full confidence exactly when Jesus Christ will return to rapture His bride (the faithful Church) to Heaven, it is right to say that we know the times and the seasons. We who are ‘watching’ are not ignorant such that the Day should catch us unawares.
A prominent observation is that only 2 of the 7 churches mentioned in Revelation are guaranteed to make the Rapture and escape the tribulation period. The others are warned to repent; otherwise they will miss out on the Rapture. Are you a faithful believer, or are you undevoted, compromising, immoral, dead or lukewarm? What about your eternal home? What about your eternal status?
My prayer is that you will make the Rapture, escape the tribulation and receive great rewards in the everlasting Kingdom. Be blessed.
This precious ‘easy-to-read’ book, written by Pastor Ben Awoseyila is available online. Order your copy today at Amazon and Amazon Kindle.

This is not just another book on Revelation. It contains exclusive insights that will help you fit all the puzzles of Revelation perfectly to match the order in which it was written. Find out the identities of the beast, the false prophet, the 2 witnesses and the 24 judgement angels. Also find out the meaning of the mark of the beast ‘χξϛ’ and how to compute his number ‘666’ directly from the name ‘Apollyon’ as given in the book of Revelation. Included is a detailed discussion of the chronology of the end, the great tribulation, the return of the king and the eternal state. The Rapture of faithful believers is imminent. Don’t be left behind! Don’t worship the beast!! Most of those who stand for Jesus Christ during the tribulation period will be killed for their faith. Those who reject the lordship of Jesus Christ will be coerced into worshipping the antichrist beast. Whoever worships the beast and receives his mark will be damned forever to eternal torment in the lake of fire. This is the second death! Will you be left behind? Will you worship the beast? I pray that you repent and begin to live for Jesus Christ today. Be blessed.
This precious ‘easy-to-read’ book, written by Pastor Ben Awoseyila is available online. Order your copy today at Amazon and Amazon Kindle.