Newsletter Articles

121125 of 125 items

God is Faithful

by Healing Springs

Springs Newsletter 2016 (22) Title: *|FNAME|*, God is Faithful! Dear *|FNAME|*, The Lord is your God: It is He who made you! You are ‘His people’ and the sheep of His pasture. Therefore, you can confidently trust Him with all aspects of your life (Psalm 100:3). *|FNAME|*, It is because of the Lord’s mercies that […]

God Will Honour You

by Healing Springs

Springs Newsletter 2016 (21) Title: *|FNAME|*, God will Honour You! Dear *|FNAME|*, The Lord is El-Shaddai: The Almighty and All-Sufficient God. He is more than enough for you in every aspect of life. All you need do is trust and obey Him (Genesis 17:1-2).                        […]

Put Your Shoes On

by Healing Springs

Springs Newsletter 2016 (20) Title: *|FNAME|*, Put Your Shoes On! Dear *|FNAME|*, The Lord is your portion in the land of the living. He is your shield and defender. He is your glory and the lifter of your head. Your life is moving forward in Jesus’ Name (Psalm 16:5-6). Many times, believers fall short of […]

You have Life

by Healing Springs

Springs Newsletter 2016 (19) Title: *|FNAME|*, You Have Life! Dear *|FNAME|*, Because you have made Jesus Christ your Lord, you are now a ‘bona fide’ child of God and Zoe (the divine overcoming life) has been deposited into your spirit. God has become your very own Father and you have now become His very own […]

Prayer is the Key

by Healing Springs

Springs Newsletter 2016 (18) Title: *|FNAME|*, Prayer Is The Key Dear *|FNAME|*, The Lord will deliver you from all evil. He will set your feet upon a rock: steadying your footsteps and establishing your path (Psalm 40:2). Have you ever wondered why you have to pray? Why is it not sufficient to depend on your […]