Posts tagged with ‘Deliverance’

110 of 13 items

Increase Your Faith

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2024-10 (1)  Mark 11:12-14, 20-26 Why did Jesus curse the fig tree in Mark 11:12-14? What is a mountain in your life according to Mark 11:20-23? What are the works of the devil in your life (1 John 3:8)? How should you respond to your mountain, according to Mark 11:20-23? To find out […]

Break that Evil Influence

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2024-03 (1) Further Meditation: Mark 4:35 – 5:20, Luke 8:22-39 What is an unclean spirit? What are the characteristics of unclean spirits according to Mark 5:1-20? What opens the door for unclean spirits? How can a person be delivered from unclean spirits? To find out more, listen to the audio sermon

Are you under Influence?

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-10 (1) Ephesians 6:10-131 Kings 16:29-34Revelation 2:18-291 Kings 21:25 Who are the Satanic Trinity? What is the ministry of the Satanic Trinity? Who is Jezebel? What is the goal of Jezebel in my life? How does Jezebel bring me under his influence? How does Jezebel operate through other evil spirits in the world […]

Walk in the Light

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2021-10 (1) John 1:1-51 John 1:5-7Matthew 5:14-16 How can I overcome darkness? Receive the gift of eternal life by making Jesus Christ your personal Lord In Him is Life and that Life is the Light of men, John 1:4 The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it, John 1:5 If the darkness […]

Light over Darkness

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2021-09 (3) Genesis 1:1-5John 1:1-51 John 1:1-7 Where does good originally come from? Good comes from God: the Father of Light, James 1:17-18 God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all, 1 John 1:5 If there is darkness, something has gone wrong on the side of the created being. This usually involves carelessness and […]

Deliverance from Evil

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2021-07 (1) Luke 11:1-4Matthew 26:40-41James 4:6-10 What is the difference between a test and a temptation? The devil tempts you to sin and destruction God tests you to righteousness and promotion James 1:2-4, 13-17 Can the same event be both a test and a temptation? Yes, God can use the devil to achieve His […]

Christ, Our Passover Lamb

by Healing Springs

Springs Articles 2020-12 (3) Exodus 12:1-14Isaiah 53:1-121 Corinthians 11:23-26 When was Jesus born? Nissan 1, the first day of the Jewish Year The day of new beginnings, Exodus 12:2 Spring time (March/April) The month of Passover The month of the Exodus The month of Christ’s Crucifixion & Resurrection The lambing season, Luke 2:8-11, Exodus 12:2-6 As the Shepherds were watching […]

Receive Healing and Deliverance!

by Healing Springs

Springs Newsletter 2017 (15) God is ever faithful to His Word! In order to continuously experience God’s faithfulness, you have to lay hold on God’s Word concerning your life and never let go. What you believe about yourself matters a lot! Do you believe that you will live long? Do you believe that you will overcome your situation? […]

Which Spirit is Filling You?

by Healing Springs

Springs Newsletter 2017 (10) Title: *|FNAME|*, Which Spirit is Filling You? Dear *|FNAME|*, If you truly believe that you were created by God, then you should be certain that God has an assigned purpose for your life and a master plan to fulfil it. Jeremiah 29:11 shows us that God’s plan for you is good and more than sufficient to satisfy all the […]

Regain Your Focus

by Healing Springs

Springs Newsletter 2017 (6) Title: *|FNAME|*, Regain Your Focus! Dear *|FNAME|*, The Lord will lift your burden and lighten your load. As you continue to look up to Him, help will come to you. No shadow of shame will darken your face! (Psalm 34:5). *|FNAME|*, irrespective of the challenges you’re going through in your Christian […]