Posts tagged with ‘faithfulness’

1120 of 25 items

Will you make Heaven?

by Healing Springs

Springs Sermon 2023-04 (3) Luke 16:13-31, Revelation 21:7-8 Will every Christian or churchgoer make Heaven? Why can’t I serve two masters according to Luke 16:13? What is Mammon? Can you describe Hell based on the account in Luke 16:19-31? Can you describe Paradise based on the account in Luke 16:19-31? Why did the Rich Man […]

Faith in the Supernatural

by Healing Springs

Springs Sermon 2023-04 (2) Hebrews 11:1-6 2 Timothy 2:11-13 What is the difference between hope and faith? What is spiritual faith? What is the basis of the God-kind of faith? What is the master evidence of true faith? To find out more, listen to the audio sermon

How to build on the Rock

by Healing Springs

Springs Sermon 2023-03 (3) Matthew 7:13-29 What is wisdom? What is foolishness? What is the main difference between the rock and the sand? What does the Rock represent in our lives today? What does the sand represent in our lives today? Why will someone build their life on sand instead of on the rock? What […]

Purity and Self-Control

by Healing Springs

Springs Sermon 2023-03 (1) 1 Corinthians 6:9-20Matthew 5:27-30Galatians 5:19-23 What is the difference between kindness and goodness as mentioned in Galatians 5:22? What is the relationship between faith and faithfulness as mentioned in different versions of Galatians 5:22? What is meekness as mentioned in Galatians 5:23? What is the importance of self-control as mentioned in […]

Love, Truth and Friendship

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2023-02 (1) 1 Corinthians 13:1-31 Corinthians 13:4-7Ephesians 4:25-32Hebrews 10:5-7 Why does the God-kind of love never fail, according to 1 Corinthians 13:8? What is the greatest (most important) commandment? What are the desirable qualities of a good friend? Why is truth important to friendship? To find out more, listen to the audio sermon

How to make Heaven

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-08 (2) John 3:1-21 How can anyone see the Kingdom of God? They have to be born-again! How can anyone become a child of God? They have to be born-again! What does it mean to be ‘born-again’? To be born of the Word of God and the Spirit of God: to have a new heart (spirit) full of the life, […]

Prepare For The Rapture

by Healing Springs

Springs Sermon 2022-06 (2) Genesis 7:11-16Genesis 7:17-24Matthew 24:36-42 What was the judgment of the unrighteous in the days of Noah? The Global Flood Who was taken away before the flood? The righteous (Noah and his family) Righteousness is defined by submission and obedience to God Who was left behind for the judgment of the flood? […]

Choose Wisdom

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-04 (1) Matthew 24:36 – 25:13, Luke 12:35-48, Luke 12:35-40, Psalm 119:105, Revelation 4:5, Ecclesiastes 9:8, Romans 8:14, Proverbs 20:27, 23:23, John 17:17, 8:31-32, Psalm 119:105,130, James 1:21 Who are the virgins in Matthew 25:1-13? The 10 virgins are servants of the bridegroom because they call him their Lord within the story. Their assignment was to keep […]

Increase Your Fruitfulness

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-01 (3) John 15:1-3John 15:4-6John 15:7-10 What is the master key to bearing fruit for Christ? Abide in Christ (stay actively connected to Him) You abide in Christ by abiding in His Word and in His Love John 15:7-10 Abiding in Christ includes prayer and fellowship with other believers Prayer is a demonstration […]

Watch And Pray

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2021-10 (4) Matthew 24:45-47Matthew 24:48-51Matthew 26:39-41 What does it mean to watch? It means to give (pay) attention! You can be looking and not watching Watching requires mental and spiritual engagement Proverbs 4:20-23 What is the opposite of watching? Sleeping, dozing, snoozing, being distracted It is difficult to watch effectively when you have a divided […]