Posts tagged with ‘Fellowship’

1120 of 33 items

Love, Light and Influence

by Healing Springs

Springs Sermon 2023-03 (2) Matthew 5:13-162 Corinthians 6:14-18James 4:4-8 Who is the light of the world? How can I influence my world for Jesus? How can I let my light shine according to Matthew 5:14-16? What can I do proactively to let my shine for Christ? What is my world that I need to influence? […]

Express Your Love

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2023-01 (2) 1 John 3:14-181 John 4:7-121 John 4:16-21 What is the personal name of God? Why should I love my brother (sister) according to 1 John 4:7-8? How can I love my brother (sister)? To find out more, listen to the audio sermon

10 Keys to Spiritual Breakthrough

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-11 (2) Psalm 91:1-16Psalm 27:1-14Psalm 46:1-11 What is the secret place of the Most High, according to Psalm 91:1? In order to abide under the shadow of the Almighty (i.e. victorious living), you have to dwell in the secret place the Most High! How can I dwell in the secret place of the […]

Victory Over Sin

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-09 (1) Romans 6:1-23 What is sin? What is righteousness? How can I become righteous? What is the source of sin in a true believer? How can I live in continuous victory over sin? 2022: A Year of Fruitfulness To find out more, listen to the audio sermon.

Prepare For The Rapture

by Healing Springs

Springs Sermon 2022-06 (2) Genesis 7:11-16Genesis 7:17-24Matthew 24:36-42 What was the judgment of the unrighteous in the days of Noah? The Global Flood Who was taken away before the flood? The righteous (Noah and his family) Righteousness is defined by submission and obedience to God Who was left behind for the judgment of the flood? […]

Faith, Tithes And Offerings

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-06 (1) Hebrews 11:1-7Proverbs 3:5-12James 2:14-26 What is faith? Faith is assurance and conviction!, Hebrews 11:1, ESV Your assurance and conviction comes from the Word of God The Word of God is the substance and evidence of faith The written Word of God is a legal document in the spirit Faith is confidence in and dependence on God’s […]

Connection And Fruitfulness

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-01 (1) John 15:1-4John 15:5-8John 15:9-10 How can my lifetime on earth have eternal value? By building on the true foundation: the Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Corinthians 3:11 Jesus Christ is the True Vine and God (the Father) is the Vinedresser, John 15:1 Every other religion, belief system or ideology is a false vine (false foundation)! Jesus […]

Watch And Pray

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2021-10 (4) Matthew 24:45-47Matthew 24:48-51Matthew 26:39-41 What does it mean to watch? It means to give (pay) attention! You can be looking and not watching Watching requires mental and spiritual engagement Proverbs 4:20-23 What is the opposite of watching? Sleeping, dozing, snoozing, being distracted It is difficult to watch effectively when you have a divided […]

Rekindle The Fire

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2021-10 (3) 1 John 1:5-9 What are the evidences that a believer is on fire? Faithfulness in following and serving Jesus Reaching out to bring people into the Kingdom of God Unconditional dedication to the things of God Generous giving to the work of God Staying connected to the Church Obedience to the Word of God […]

Walk in the Light

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2021-10 (1) John 1:1-51 John 1:5-7Matthew 5:14-16 How can I overcome darkness? Receive the gift of eternal life by making Jesus Christ your personal Lord In Him is Life and that Life is the Light of men, John 1:4 The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it, John 1:5 If the darkness […]