Posts tagged with ‘Prayer’

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Importunity in Prayer

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2021-07 (2) Luke 11:1-4Luke 11:5-8Luke 11:9-13 What is importunity in prayer according to Luke 11:9-13? Persistence Audacity Determination Asking with boldness Asking without double-mindedness Asking with the firm expectation of receiving James 1:6-8, 5:16-18 What are the factors that facilitate importunity in prayer according to Luke 11:9-13? Relationship Righteous/godly need Compassion (Love) Conviction/Confidence […]

Deliverance from Evil

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2021-07 (1) Luke 11:1-4Matthew 26:40-41James 4:6-10 What is the difference between a test and a temptation? The devil tempts you to sin and destruction God tests you to righteousness and promotion James 1:2-4, 13-17 Can the same event be both a test and a temptation? Yes, God can use the devil to achieve His […]

The Necessity of Prayer

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2021-05 (4) Luke 11:1-4Luke 11:5-8Like 11:9-13 Who invented prayer? Prayer is God’s idea, not man’s! God created you for worship and fellowship God wants you to rely and depend upon Him Prayer is communication with God Jeremiah 33:3, Acts 2:21 Who determines the course of my life? The course of your life is determined […]

The Purpose of Prayer

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2021-05 (3) Luke 11:1-4Luke 11:5-8Like 11:9-13 What is prayer? Prayer is communication with God! Prayer includes praising, repenting, rededicating, committing, asking, interceding, thanking, Luke 11:1-4, Philippians 4:6-7 Why do I need to ask God for anything since He already knows my needs? God’s love necessitates that you have free will! Your free will includes […]

Receive Help in Prayer

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2021-05 (2) Romans 8:26-27Ephesians 6:16-181 Corinthians 14:14-15 What is the main role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer? He is your Helper, John 14:16, Romans 8:26 He helps in your weaknesses by leading, guiding and strengthening you. He quickens you with divine life in your spirit, soul and body, Romans 8:11 What […]

Why Speak in Tongues?

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2020-12 (1) 1 Corinthians 14:1-51 Corinthians 14:14-18Romans 8:26-27 What is ‘speaking in tongues’? Speaking under the influence of the Holy Spirit in an unknown language Inspired speech in an unknown language, coming straight out your human spirit and bypassing your mind Mark 16:17, Acts 2:4 Why is ‘speaking in tongues’ the most basic and most prominent gift of […]

Are you filled with the Spirit?

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2020-11 (4) Acts 2:1-4Acts 8:14-17Acts 10:44-48Acts 19:1-6 What is the meaning of baptism? Baptism refers to immersion and fullness! Water baptism is immersion into water as a declaration (confession) of our immersion into Jesus Christ when we got born-again Holy Spirit baptism is immersion into the Holy Spirit. This means receiving the fullness […]

Receive Your Requests

by Healing Springs

Springs Newsletter 2017 (8) Title: *|FNAME|*, Receive Your Requests! Dear *|FNAME|*, Life can be challenging at times and you may feel lonely when confronted with uncertainty or difficulty. However, never forget that you are not alone. The Lord has promised to never leave you nor forsake you. Your task is to keep looking up to Him […]

Don’t Fall Into Temptation

by Healing Springs

Springs Newsletter 2017 (4) Title: *|FNAME|*, Don’t Fall Into Temptation! Dear *|FNAME|*, Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. The Lord is your strength and shield; your heart trusts in Him and you are helped (Psalm 28:7). Do you know that this present world is not your permanent home? Despite all the […]

Prayer is the Key

by Healing Springs

Springs Newsletter 2016 (18) Title: *|FNAME|*, Prayer Is The Key Dear *|FNAME|*, The Lord will deliver you from all evil. He will set your feet upon a rock: steadying your footsteps and establishing your path (Psalm 40:2). Have you ever wondered why you have to pray? Why is it not sufficient to depend on your […]